Saturday, February 12, 2011

Green Straddling Bus

Global warming is the major problem in today’s world. It was accepted as a fact in all over the world. A research conducted by the U.S. National Research Council indicates that “Earth is the hottest it has been in at least 400 years”. How to solve this problem is the major concern. Global warming is the major effect of air pollution which derived from the vehicles. The major transportations which were used by public are Subways, Buses, BRTs, and Light Trains. These all cause traffic, noise, and pollution. To solve this problem Straddling Bus has found out the way.
The substitute is “Straddling Bus” which is able to solve the problem of traffic, air pollution, and noise pollution. It can be used as a mean of public transportation. The features of Straddling bus are as below:
·    Its height is 4.5-5.5 meter, so it runs above the cars and under over pass. By that way it saves road capacity and space.
·    It needs 1 year construction period to construct it on 40 km. On the other hand, for subway it will take three years.
·    It can be parked anywhere. No bus or train depot needed.
·    It runs with solar energy and electricity.
·    It comes with highly advance skipping system. That can be used in emergencies situation to exit from straddling bus.
The Straddling Bus can be the possible solution for future to solve the problem of traffic, air pollution, and noise pollution.

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